Missionaries of St. Francis De Sales, also known as Fransalian Missionaries, is an international, missionary religious order, founded in France in 1838 by Fr. Peter Mermier, under the patronage of St. Francis De Sales, to bring about the renewal of Christian life by preaching parish missions. The first batch of missionaries went to India in 1845. Today, our missionaries work in USA, India, France, Switzerland, England, Brazil, Chad, Namibia, Tanzania, Mozambique, Australia, Austria, Germany, Philippians, West Indies, Chile, Trinidad and other countries. Missionaries also are sent to serve, individually, at the request of Bishops from various dioceses all over the world. A total of 1321 professed members are committed to the service of the church in different parts of the world. We have 61 novices and 352 candidates in formation for the religious life and priesthood.

The Fransalians began with a mission of renewal and development of faith communities in the Church, being involved in parish missions, retreats, spiritual direction and other pastoral concerns. Availability at the service of the local Church, working very closely with the local Bishop and the diocesan clergy, characterized the attitudes of the missionaries. The missionaries, therefore, were involved in evangelization, education, retreats, parish missions and other specialized ministries as needed in the local Church. The pastoral work and the lifestyle always characterized the Fransalian spirit of simplicity, gentleness, optimism and availability in service of the local Church.

Our mission in USA is growing. In the beginning of 1996, we were only seven priests in pastoral ministry in USA. Today, sixteen years later, we are 49 priests in pastoral ministry in different dioceses in thirteen states in USA. We have a well established Center for Spirituality in the diocese of Tyler, Texas. Wellspring, Fransalian Center for Spirituality, founded and directed by Fr. Augustine Tharappel, msfs, our Regional Superior, on January 24, 1998. The main focus of Wellspring is to offer spiritual growth opportunities such as faith-sharing groups, meditations, retreats and spiritual direction. Several groups meet every week and many individuals and couples come to Wellspring every week, some seeking spiritual guidance, others to learn meditation and still other to learn the contemplative way. We have a house of Spirituality in the archdiocese of Atlanta which welcomes people for ongoing spiritual direction.

Missionaries of St. Francis De Sales have been present in America for more than 40 years. At present, the fifty four priests in ministry in USA come from six different provinces of the MSFS religious congregation. We are now organized and established as “MSFS USA VICE PROVINCE”, an administrative unit of the Congregation in USA. We need your prayer support for our continued growth and for the fulfillment of our mission here in USA and abroad.

Our headquarters is in Rome and the USA region headquarters is in Loganville, Atlanta, Georgia.