Throughout history, many have been called to priesthood.  They have lived exemplary lives and extended the mission of Christ around the world. Yet today, it is harder than in the past to discern God's call.  There are many distractions that make it hard to hear God's voice.  Discerning a vocation is a challenge.  You will not know for sure if God is calling you to the Priesthood unless you consider the possibility.  Ask yourself these questions as you discern your vocation and seek God's guidance in your iife.

  • Have I experienced God’s love in my life?
  • Does the Gospel message excite me?
  • Am I willing to offer my life for the mission of Jesus?
  • Do I desire a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ?
  • Do I actively practice my Catholic faith?

  • What does a Priest do ?

    The mission of a priest is to bring people to Jesus, and Jesus to people. A priest does this by preaching the Word of God and offering the sacrifice of the Mass. His life involves administering the sacraments and caring for the people. A priest answers a divine calling to love and serve God and to cooperate with Christ in the work of redemption by loving and serving others.

    Is God Calling You ?

    Pray everyday asking God to reveal his plan for you. Ask the Lord, “Jesus, what do You want me to do for you?” Listen to your heart. The primary area of revelation is the heart. A vocation is a call from God to do something for God and for his kingdom. Come and stay with us at one of our Spirituality Centers. The Spirituality of St. Francis de Sales is a “spirituality of the heart,” relevant today as in the time of St. Francis de Sales himself—an all-embracing, down to earth spirituality for everyone. Fransalians focus on living certain aspects of this spirituality: simplicity of life, hospitality to all, contemplative presence, joyful optimism, wisdom tradition, prayerful ministry and compassion for all. We will support you as you reflect on God’s call. Come and experience Religious life.